Parsing Product Data to Increase your Revenue
We collect and analyze product data to show your growth opportunities and cutting edge
How it works
Setting the task
You fill in the brief and set goals and tasks with our specialists.
Evaluating the work TBD
Our experts evaluate the tasks to be done, set the price and deadlines, and comprise the offer. We discuss it and get started.
You enjoy the result
You get exactly what you have expected or more.
Feature Prioritizing
We collect users' reviews, NPS and journeys for your product or feature in line with a competitive set to show which stage of CJM your growth opportunities are.
Product Audit
We have 2500+ Product Managers you can target by industry, skills and location. They will help you in auditing your growth opportunities, drawing hypothesis and come up with conclusions.
Feedback from the Market
If your plan to release a new feature or product we'll get an immediate feedback from the market before you start coding.
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We can help you to prioritise more effectively

Search for Growth Points

We’ll analyze CJM to find out exponential growth opportunities to reach Product Market Fit.
We carry out qualitative and quantitative research. We’ll determine which tool will be needed and why.

Hypothesis Validation

We’ll test value proposition, acquisition channels, segments or UX — it all depends on the project.

Strategy and RoadMap

Based on the research results, we will form a product development plan and illustrate an effective strategy.

Product Launch

We will help you decide on positioning, understand what is important to users, and what your customers’ needs are.

Special Custom Project

We’ll move the product off the ground and breathe life into it to rapidly grow through hypothesis testing and product research.
Explore Our Customer's Success Stories
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